Earlier this year i wrote about a solution for optimizing the images on your Episerver site. Since then, that solution has been included in the ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver nuget package. With the Picture html helper included in the nuget it's easy to optimize the images in size, quality, and file size. Images will be responsive, and can be … Continue reading A dead-easy way to optimize the images on your Episerver site.
Year: 2018
Survival tips for an e-commerce manager!
In today’s e-commerce world, with high demanding customers and fear of the mighty Amazon, where should the e-commerce manager get a foothold? This article is aimed for companies doing e-commerce today -companies who need to change focus to be more digital and prioritize e-business for growth or business transformation, like markets moving online or going global. … Continue reading Survival tips for an e-commerce manager!
Optimize your images with ImageProcessor
Optimizing the file size for the images on a site can really improve page load time. This article shows how you can use ImageProcessor to minimize the size of your images. UPDATE: The Picture Html helper described below is now included in the ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver nuget. Read more here. I'm extending the solution for responsive images … Continue reading Optimize your images with ImageProcessor
Picture element + ImageProcessor = responsive images made easy
By using the picture element together with ImageProcessor, you can create a robust solution for responsive images. With this solution you can very quickly make sure that you at least don't serve way too big images. Once that is done, you can add more image sizes and fine tune the media queries, to further optimize … Continue reading Picture element + ImageProcessor = responsive images made easy
Automate your Episerver site definitions
We've all been there. Restoring a copy of the production database on your development or test-environment, start the site and you get a 404. Argh, I forgot to set the correct site definitions! Again! Fig 1. The freaking site definitions In a multi site environment you can have a lot of different site definitions, and … Continue reading Automate your Episerver site definitions