PictureRenderer for Optimizely CMS can be used to optimize images added in the rich text editor (TinyMce). In PictureRenderer.Optimizely v2.3 an XhtmlString extension is added that replaces img elements in the rich text content with a picture element. You enable this by creating a display template for XhtmlString properties. Create the file /Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates/XhtmlString.cshtml and add this: @using … Continue reading Optimize images added in the rich text editor.
Year: 2022
Optimize images on your Optimizely CMS site
You want the images on your site to be lazy loaded in the most optimal size and format, and still look really sharp on all devices. You don't want the content editor to have to care about image size, image format, or what proportions the image should have. PictureRenderer can help you with all of … Continue reading Optimize images on your Optimizely CMS site