Single sign on to Episerver with ADFS, using OWIN and WS-Federation

Recently I needed build a solution that made it possible for editors to log in to Episerver as both “local SQL users” and AD users, using ADFS.  I didn’t have much experience with ADFS, Federated security, Claims-based identity or OWIN. So, it was a steep learning curve for me. I wasn’t able to google a solution, so I reached out to Dan Matthews, who seemed to know a bit about these things. Dan was extremely helpful, and pointed me in the right direction. In return I promised to blog about the solution. Only problem was I didn’t have a blog…

Hence the birth of this blog 🙂

In this blog post I explain the ADFS part of the solution (second part here). At time of writing I was using Episerver 10.8.0 and ADFS 2.0.

Configuration of ADFS server

It took me a while to find out how the ADFS server should be set up. Since I basically didn’t know anything about ADFS, I didn’t really know what too look for. This blog post helped me a lot. Once I knew a bit more, the Microsoft documentation also helped.

Unfortunately I can’t show any screen-shots since I don’t have access to the ADFS server myself. But what you need to do is:

  • Forms Authentication for extranet users needs to be enabled. You’ll find the setting under “Authentication Policies”.
  • Create a new “Relying Party Trust”.  Add the Url to your web site as both a “Relying party identifier” and a “WS-Federation Passive Endpoint”. Note that the Url needs to include correct prefix and slash at the end.
  • Find out the “ADFS Metadata Address”. Default address is https:///FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml.
  • The identity returned must include the claims needed by Episerver: “Name” and “Role”

When creating a Relying Party Trust you can add multiple Relying party identifiers. At first I added one for every environment we used (dev, test, production etc.). And then added the same Urls as WS-Federation endpoints. But when using that setup, after signing in, the user was always redirected back to the first (default) WS-Federation endpoint. It didn’t help that I in my code added the Wreply parameter. Googling the issue told me that the Wreply parameter was ignored by the ADFS server when using WS-Federation… So, I ended up creating a Relying Party Trust for every environment.

Also note that when Episerver synchronize the identity returned from ADFS, it saves the Name claim as username. That means that it is probably a good idea to use the username (nameidentifier) in ADFS as the value for the Name claim.

Setting up my local dev environment

After enabling SSL in visual studio the URL for my local development environment was something like https://localhost:44312. The ADFS server didn’t accept “localhost” as domain for a Relying party identifier. So, I needed to use a custom URL:  To be able to use a custom domain for your local (IIS Express) environment you need to

  • Add the domain to your hosts file.
  • Add the domain as a binding in your IIS Express config file (you’ll find it in <path to your VS-project>\.vs\config\applicationhost.config).

Note that you need to run Visual Studio as administrator when having multiple bindings for IIS express.

All developers working with this solution need to use the same custom domain and SSL port (unless you create one Relying Party Trust for every developer). To change the SSL port used by IIS Express, you need to manually edit the IISExpressSSLPort-value in the   .csproj file.

The code

The actual coding to get this working was the simpler part. I basically followed the steps and used the code from Episerver´s Federated security guide


Other resources that might be helpful


6 thoughts on “Single sign on to Episerver with ADFS, using OWIN and WS-Federation

  1. I know this is an older post, but its been tremendously helpful. Thank you! That being said, during your time dealing with ADFS, did you happen to run across any Signature or Audience validation failed messages? If so, just wondering how you got around them. When I try to hit /episerver on my test site, it directs to adfs and back to the root of the epi url, with that error.

    • Thanks! 🙂
      It was some time ago I did this, and unfortunately I don’t remember if I got that specific error. I know I had a lot of issues on every step of the way 🙂

      • That seems to be the common response with everyone whose done this previously “it was a pain, allocate extra time” 🙂 As for that particular error, no worries. Just thought I’d give it a shot. Thanks again for the post(s) re: adfs.

    • Sure, were you able to add your local domain in the ADFS server as Relying party identifier?
      Did you find out how to add your local domain in the IIS Express config file?
      And did you add your local domain in the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file?

  2. Hi,
    I have successfully implemented ADFS federation service in my episerver application.
    Recently by customer changes accounts for ADFS to azure AD.
    since that time we are facing issue with user login having multiple roles assigned. User is able to login but cant access the pages for which they have access.
    I checked that when user has multiple roles for some reason the federation service in not calling my Epi controller where I am receiving claims.

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