Optimize your images with ImageProcessor

Optimizing the file size for the images on a site can really improve page load time.  This article shows how you can use ImageProcessor to minimize the size of your images. UPDATE: The Picture Html helper described below is now included in the ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver nuget. Read more here. I'm extending the solution for responsive images … Continue reading Optimize your images with ImageProcessor

Picture element + ImageProcessor = responsive images made easy

By using the picture element together with ImageProcessor, you can create a robust solution for responsive images. With this solution you can very quickly make sure that you at least don't serve way too big images. Once that is done, you can add more image sizes and fine tune the media queries, to further optimize … Continue reading Picture element + ImageProcessor = responsive images made easy

Performance when using controllers for blocks

Sometimes you may consider using controllers for all blocks, instead of just having the view engine select the correct view. As far as I know the only real difference is performance. But how much will performance be affected if you choose to use controllers for all blocks?  TL;DR: around 10% better performance without controller, according … Continue reading Performance when using controllers for blocks

Use PowerShell to set up an Episerver environment in Azure

Remember the time when setting up an Episerver environment took hours? I don't mean your local dev-environment, I mean a test or production environment with IIS and SQL server. Maybe you got access to one or two freshly installed Windows machines where you needed to install windows features, IIS addons, SQL server, et.c. And more … Continue reading Use PowerShell to set up an Episerver environment in Azure